
Welcome to South Grange Medical Centre and Lagan Surgery

Please DO NOT attend the surgery if suffering from any Covid-19 symptoms. 


If you do require to attend the surgery or have a pre-arranged appointment, please ensure face covering is worn. 

South Grange Medical  Centre and Lagan Surgery's catchment area is spread from Middlesbrough to Marske-by-the-Sea.  The Surgeries operate from purpose built premises across both sites, one in Eston and the other from Redcar.  Patients can be seen at either Practice. 

Our Mission Statement

"To provide the best possible health care for patients at all times by responding to their needs, providing accessible medical and anticipatory care of the highest quality. To do all that is possible to improve the social environment of the community while providing the greatest level of job satisfaction for all”.

Opening Times

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Armed Forces veteran friendly accredited GP practice

Armed Forces veteran friendly accredited GP practice

Certificate of Accreditation

Please inform the Practice if you are a military veteran.

Click the link for Veterans Information Directory

Joining Together Poster

Have your say via our survey.

We are inviting you to share your views via an online survey between Monday 4th December 2023 and Friday 12th January 2024. To complete the survey, please visit:

https://eu.surveymonkey.com/r/SouthGrangeCSW for South Grange Medical Group Practice patients

https://eu.surveymonkey.com/r/CoathamCSW for Coatham Surgery patients 


If maybe helpful to refer to our Frequently Asked Questions which are available from Reception on our practice website. 


Attend a drop-in session.

In addition to completing our survey, you are invited to come along to one of our drop-in sessions to ask questions and provide feedback on the cross-site working pilot.  All are welcome to attend either of these sessions.


If you would like any further information, please do not hesitate to speak to a member of staff or email either Practice at

southgrange.medicalcentre@nhs.net or nencicb-tv.a81045@nhs.net